Sunday, 7 September 2008

Lochranza Traditions

You may have heard of "caber tossing" or "haggis hunting" but have you ever heard of "toilet-roll hurling"? Regular Waverley passengers on the last sailing of the season to Lochranza are assured that this is a traditional ritual exercised each year, when the last Steamer of the season has called at Lochranza, over the past century or so . I am sure that the current perpetrators have not been enacting the ritual for all that time - but they do a great job in adding to the occasion on behalf of Waverley. Knowing the folks involved, I'm surprised that sheep and tractors are not also involved - but that is a whole different story!!

Anne, Fiona and Kenny enjoy themselves as Waverley moves astern from Lochranza pier, while someone, somewhere, on Waverley makes a token effort to fight back! (This clip from the end of the 2007 season)

Charles McCrossan