Excellent Gerry Ward video of Waverley escorting the Queen Victoria on the Cunarder's first Visit to Clydeside in July 2010. The Queen Victoria's arrival on the Clyde kindled memories of a story related to the first Cunard Queen, the Clydebank-built Queen Mary. Prior to her all of Cunard's transatlantic liners had borne names ending with the letters 'ia' e.g. Britannia, Caledonia, Lusitania, etc. It is believed that they had selected the name 'Victoria' for John Brown's yard number 534 and asked HM King George V permission to name the vessel after
'the greatest Queen that England had ever known' (not actually using the name 'Victoria' in their request. It is related that the King's reply was along the lines of
'My wife will be delighted' and the Cunard directors felt obliged to accept the result of their ambiguity The story has never been fully validated and it has been doubted by commentators. After the building of the first Queen Elizabeth, Cunard returned to their original 'ia' style of nomenclature with the Caronia of 1947 and the Saxonia quartette in the 1950s. However, they have not used for over half a century
See Gerry's other excellent pictures and videos at
Gerry Ward's ' River Clyde Photography'
Stuart Cameron