Medway Queen has now arrived safely on the River Medway following her departure from Avonmouth. She has attracted much attention and as such featured on the TV news, the link to the ITV report can be found here.
Waverley is also due to feature on TV screens this coming Friday (22nd November) when she will be a feature on Landward on BBC 2 Scotland at 7pm. A film crew for Landward sailed on the ship during the final Friday sailing from Glasgow to Kilcreggan with Captain Ian Jamieson being interviewed.
As it happens Friday 22nd November will mark the 40th anniversary of Douglas McGowan meeting John Whittle as chief executive of CalMac where John announced that due to harsh commercial economics Waverley would be withdrawn from service. CalMac's parent company, the Scottish Transport Group, had agreed that in recognition of the support offered from the Scottish Branch of the PSPS Waverley would be offered as a gift to the PSPS. To make the transfer legal the ship was eventually "bought" for £1 on 8th August 1974 and so began the story of true paddle steamer preservation............
Paul Semple