As work contiunes to ensure that both Waverley and Balmoral are ready for another season pictures have kindly been provided by David Howie, Waverley's Chief Officer, and David Shirres one of the engineering volunteers on Waverley over the winter. David Shirres also produced the "Inside Waverley" CD ROM a few years ago which has been on sale in the shop, he is planning to update the CD ROM this year.
From the crane - Picture David Howie |
Picture David Shirres |
As can be seen in this picture Balmoral is having her livery altered slightly this season as the black is being raised by about 1 foot, this is more like the traditional P. & A. Campbell livery. The colour of the name at the stern has also been changed.
The newly painted name on the stern, this picture taken by David Howie also shows the increase in the black. |
Picture by David Shirres |
Bow painting complete - picture by David Howie |
Under the stern - picture by David Howie |
This picture was taken by David Shirres before both ships were fully repainted under the waterline. |
Picture by David Shirres |
Waverley's bow required some repair work after a tug on the Thames made contact with it last September. The picture below shows this repair under way.
Picture by David Shirres |
Waverley also required a new spring beam on the starboard side. The picture below taken by David Howie shows this work under way.
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