(photos by the Author & Shelagh Holt)Greetings Paddle People!
Just thought I'd tell you a quick story of our last cruise to Brodick on Waverley for 2008. This took place on Thursday 28th August which also doubled up as a belated Birthday celebration for Scottish Branch Assistant Secretary or Waverley Pint Sized Painter (and my better half) Shelagh.

We joined the ship at our home port of Greenock on a typically grey (for summer 2008 anyway) morning. Waverley sailed at 1030 for Helensburgh, Dunoon, Rothesay, Largs, Millport & Brodick. We will jump to Millport as the cruise downriver to this point was a bit murky so we didn't take any photos!!

As Waverley arrived at Millport the locals had laid on a warm reception as always - Millport should win an award for making the biggest effort to support our ship every time she calls throughout the season. The photo above shows some Scottish Country Dancers....
Who were joined - albeit briefly by Purser Jim!! Gon yersel Jimmy!!
Before Waverley left for Brodick to enthusiastic waving from the folks on the pier.
As I mentioned before this was a belated birthday cruise for Shelagh so time to go to the Lower Bar for a bit of cake (smuggled on without Shelagh's knowledge) which depicted the girl herself at work parties in Winter 2006/2007 during which she needle gunned the sprinkler room deck single handed!! As you can see she was delighted at having her photo taken that day!! Should the telegraph read "Finished With Needle Gun" ??

The photo below shows Shelagh taking great delight in carving up the cake which we all enjoyed - washed down with a glass (or two) of champagne from the ship's bar.

The image on the screen behind Shelagh was part of a short slideshow of photos put together - the one showing at this point was particularly apt as it shows her doing the same thing in the same place a couple of years ago!!
All too soon the ship arrived at Brodick where we disembarked. The photo shows the ship leaving on her usual afternoon cruise to Pladda and back..........

........while we went to the Brodick Bar via the Chocolate Shop and Woolies Bakers (amazing oatcakes)

If you are feeling more energetic there is also a cheese shop, Arran Aromatics - who make fragrances, toileteries and candles etc and there is an excellent brewery but they are a couple of miles out of Brodick although there is sufficient time ashore given to make the trip. I really admire Arran for the real drive they have to create and maintain their own little economy on the island - no wonder it is called "Scotland in Minature"
Our return cruise to Greenock brought better weather and we were able to spend most of it on deck - enjoying a "Waverley Pie" from the Fwd Bar - something we'd been meaning to do all season.
Again Millport were out in force....

A great wee day out on Waverley. We're of to Isle of Wight this weekend - can't wait to walk down that gangway again - its been too long!!
See what this ship does to you eh?
Gavin Stewart